Soc Dems and Labour criticise government inaction on eating disorders
Mike Finnerty 26 Apr 2024
Social Democrats and Labour elected reps have criticised Government’s supposed inaction on tackling eating disorders
Social Democrats leader Holly Cairns said that adults with eating disorders have been “abandoned.”
A Prime Time segment on eating disorders found that there are just three hospital beds in Ireland for the treatment of eating disorders, all of them in St. Vincent’s in Dublin.
Cairns noted that when Simon Harris was Minister for Health, he pledged to deliver 20 new beds for treatment of eating disorders by 2023.
Minister of State Mary Butler told Prime Time there are currently “no plans” to deliver the 20 additional public beds.
Butler stated that a review of the National Clinical Programme for Eating Disorders will not be reviewed before the end of 2024.
“The lack of State investment in this area means that extremely vulnerable people often have to go to the UK for treatment, paid for by the State, while others are forced to spend thousands on private care,” Cairns said.
“Not only has there been a failure by the Government to deliver these desperately needed beds, there hasn’t even been an attempt.”
“The fact that all three existing beds are located in one Dublin-based hospital means that people in other parts of the country don’t have access to them.”
“Minister Butler’s staggering admission last night represents a betrayal of adults with eating disorders and must not go unchallenged,” she said.
Labour’s Senator Annie Hoey said the figures and lack of funding was “alarming.”
Senator Hoey said “it is deeply concerning to learn that Government has failed to allocate funding for the much-needed expansion of adult eating disorder treatment beds.”
“Urgent action is needed from the Minister for Health to increase funding and capacity within the HSE to treat those suffering from eating disorders,” she said.
Hoey said that the lack of Government action on tackling eating disorders “beggars belief.”
“For too long, mental health services, particularly those for eating disorders, have been neglected, under-funded, and under-resourced. There is a clear and obvious need for a radical and sustained shift in the delivery of care, with an emphasis on community-based care and early intervention.
“The Minister planned to open 20 new beds, but where are they? The HSE’s new model of care isn’t worth the paper it’s written on if Government has failed to provide the necessary resources.”
Hoey noted that there is anecdotal evidence to suggest that individuals are turning to the private system for treatment, which she says highlights a “gross inequality” in Ireland’s mental health services.
“This disparity must end, and every person, regardless of their background, deserves access to quality care.”
“The time for talk is over. The Minister for Health must urgently increase funding and capacity within the HSE to provide adequate care for these individuals,” she said.
“Plans mean nothing if they remain unfunded and unimplemented while patients suffer. This disparity, whereby some areas of disadvantage lose out on their fair share of service provision, must end.”