Have you met a hero at Tallaght University Hospital?
Padraig Conlon 14 Mar 2023
Public nominations have just opened for the annual Hero Awards at Tallaght University Hospital (TUH).
The awards, now in their 5th year recognise and celebrate health professionals from across every discipline and department at the Hospital, who go above and beyond to care for patients and ensure the smooth running of TUH.
Lucy Nugent CEO of TUH, says “This year’s awards will be extra special as they are taking place on the exact date (June 21st) that Tallaght University Hospital first opened its doors, 25 years ago. As we reach this big milestone, we need the public’s help to make sure we can call out and celebrate the extraordinary care our staff deliver every day.”
Commenting on this year’s awards, Sharon Larkin, Director of HR said “Staff really appreciate the nominations and this is a great opportunity for the public to say thank you. It may have been a lifesaving operation by a surgeon, outstanding care from a nurse, a porter or a member of our catering team who went above and beyond to make sure the patient got the best possible care.”
As with other years, in acknowledgement of the close relationship with our community, there is a separate category for patients and their families to nominate members of staff who they have encountered during their patient journey in the Hospital.
How to vote for your TUH Hero 2022
To nominate a member of staff for a special hero award just send an email to [email protected] or send their entry by post to TUH 2022 Heroes Entries, c/o The Human Resources Department, Tallaght University Hospital, Dublin 24 NROA.
If you are visiting or attending the hospital in the next few weeks there are also forms in the Hospital Volunteer Coffee Shop that can be handed in at Reception.
In your email or letter make sure to explain why you are nominating that particular staff member for the Community Nominated Hero Award. The final closing date for entries is April 28th 2023. You can watch a short film about last year’s awards via this link.
Hospital Award Categories – voted internally by TUH staff
As well as the Community Nominated Patient Experience Award, hospital staff can also vote for their colleagues internally for the following categories:
- People Caring for People – a staff member who exemplifies all the core values of the organisation
- Unsung Hero Award – a staff member who demonstrates exceptional service to the organisation
- Service Excellence Award – a staff member who provides outstanding service to patients or staff within our hospital
- Mentoring Award – a staff member who demonstrates outstanding teaching skills and/or serves as a role model and mentor to any member of staff
- Teamwork Award – a staff member who is a valued ‘team’ player