Elderly dogs thrown from moving car and litter of pups abandoned as unwanted dog crisis deepens

Padraig Conlon 06 Nov 2023
11-year-old Jack Russell crosses Tiny and Minnie, who were thrown from a moving car, recovering at Dogs Trust Ireland. The elderly dogs are just two victims of the unwanted dog crisis in Ireland. Today the charity launched their ‘Save the Next Dog’ campaign in response to the record number of surrender requests they are receiving. Photograph: ©Fran Veale

Following a record number of surrender requests this year, Dogs Trust, Ireland’s largest dog welfare charity, has today launched an emotive campaign entitled “Save the Next Dog” to highlight the sheer volume of dogs facing uncertain futures across the country. 

Dogs Trust revealed that from January to October 2023, they have been contacted by almost 3,500 people seeking to relinquish their dog.

Katie Breen and papillion cross “Mixie” at the launch Dogs Trust Ireland’s new ‘Save the Next Dog’ initiative.Photograph: ©Fran Veale

This is the highest number of surrender requests that the charity has ever recorded in a year, since opening their centre in 2009.

Unwanted behaviour, accommodation challenges and owners not having enough time are the three most commonly provided reasons to Dogs Trust, from people asking to surrender dogs.

8-week old Springer Spaniel puppy Happy, who along with his five siblings was abandoned at the gates of Dogs Trust Ireland.

Two recent victims of the ongoing unwanted dog crisis are Tiny and Minnie, both Jack Russell Terriers of approximately 11 years of age, who were callously thrown from a moving car in Dublin.

After being treated for their initial injuries and kept under observation for a week by The Irish Blue Cross, both dogs came to Dogs Trust to continue their rehabilitation and to find their forever home.

Another example is a litter of seven Springer Spaniel puppies who were found abandoned at the gate to the charity’s rehoming centre.

The pups had sarcoptic mange, a highly contagious condition, causing extreme itching and discomfort to both dogs and people.

Niamh Curran-Kelly, Veterinary and Welfare Manager at Dogs Trust Ireland said: “We are seeing more and more cases of dogs being abandoned with extensive veterinary needs, and it has made us question if people cannot currently afford to look after their dogs?

“Unfortunately, we are then left to cover expensive medical costs which, in some cases, could have been easily treated when they initially arose.”

As part of the campaign, the charity is launching an emotive, new TV advert showing it’s not just owners who are having to make impossible choices but also the team at Dogs Trust who are working tirelessly to help as many dogs as possible.

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