Sinn Féin responds to Northside People opinion piece

Dublin People 26 Apr 2014

THE participation of Sinn Féin Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness in the recent State visit to Britain led to much positive comment. But it was also accompanied by some comment that was wide of the mark.

With respect, I would suggest that much of Tony McCullagh’s article falls into that wide-of-the-mark category. Regarding the conflict that raged in the North for nearly 30 years, there are many

‘legacy issues’, as they are called.

Many people were killed, injured or bereaved as a result of actions by all those who were involved in the conflict Рthe British state forces, republicans and loyalists. Sinn F̩in has been saying for a long time that what is needed is an independent International Truth Commission so that as many people as possible can have access to the truth and the closure they rightly seek.

It is over three months now since Dr Richard Haass and Professor Meghan O’Sullivan presented compromise proposals to help deal with the outstanding issues of the past, as well as parades and flags. Sinn Féin has agreed to work with that compromise. But political unionism has either rejected the Haass proposals or prevaricated. The negative approach of the British government has facilitated this.

The British have broken their commitments under the Good Friday and subsequent Agreements and this is having the effect of making unionism more intransigent.

The Irish Government has already agreed that Haass represents the best way forward and the British Government must now take up a clear and unambiguous position in support of Haass.

With political will, it is possible to resolve outstanding issues. This will only happen when both the Irish and British Governments take a leadership role in ensuring such an outcome.

Sinn Fein’s commitment to advancing the political process and to lasting peace is absolute. The current leadership of Sinn Féin has ensured that. They helped to steer the Peace Process safely through the most difficult times. For that, Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness deserve huge credit and their continuing leadership is vital. All parties, but especially the two Governments have

‘much done, more to do’. We in Sinn Féin will play our part fully in ensuring progress.

As for our electoral progress across Ireland, that is based firmly on our record of work on the ground, in local government and in the Dáil where we have led the opposition to the Fine Gael/Labour Government’s austerity agenda which they took from Fianna Fáil and ran with, punishing ordinary people.

The popularity of TDs such as Mary Lou McDonald is based on that strong message, presented strongly. And it’s not just opposition – it means providing credible alternative policies as well.

Sinn Féin is working for real change, based on the principles of

“equal rights and equal opportunities

? and

“cherishing all the children of the nation equally

? as set out in the 1916 Proclamation. We are not concerned with fitting into moulds made for other parties and are content to be judged by the people on the basis of our hard work and our policies.

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