Dublin People 13 Jul 2013IRELAND’S image abroad has been dealt a severe blow by recent events.

First we had the Anglo tapes, where senior banking executives were heard mocking our German paymasters and UK neighbours in a most vulgar and disrespectful manner.
Then we had German TV broadcasting the musings of Kerry county councillor and publican Danny Healy-Rae who thinks it should be ok to have a few pints and then get behind the wheel of a car. From what I’ve seen it came across like an episode of
Thanks for that, Danny – that’s just the type of international PR that Ireland needs right now.
President Michael D Higgins put it best when he said that the views expressed on the Anglo tapes didn’t represent those of ordinary Irish people. It’s unlikely, however, that his well-chosen words were as widely reported abroad as the controversial Anglo revelations.
Let’s also hope that our international friends weren’t keeping an eye on proceedings in the Dail last week as the marathon abortion debate dragged on into the early hours.
Aside from the hugely embarrassing
‘Lapgate’ incident, some of the contributions from TDs were way too long and didn’t shine a particularly positive light on the workings of our national parliament.
So as usual, it will be down to ordinary Irish people at home and abroad to convey to the outside world that, despite our difficulties, this remains a great little nation.
More than ever we need to get the message across that we are friendly, hospitable, intelligent and resilient – just please don’t judge us on the carry on of some of our politicians or bankers.