Tonight RTÉ Investigates reveals shocking undercover footage of landlords seeking Sex for Rent in Ireland
Padraig Conlon 27 Jul 2023
Tonight, in a special report, RTÉ Investigates will reveal what it was like to come face-to-face with the people posting sex for rent ads in Ireland, showing how some landlords are seeking sex from often vulnerable prospective tenants in exchange for reduced rent or free accommodation.
Ireland’s homeless figures are at all time high with those housed in emergency accommodation recently exceeding 12,000 people.
Over the last few months, an RTÉ Investigates researcher went undercover to meet landlords taking advantage of the housing crisis by putting up ads online looking for sex in exchange for accommodation.
To confirm that these offers are being made, RTÉ Investigates created a backstory that she was a Brazilian student who has just arrived in Ireland eight months ago, she had just lost her job as an au pair, and she’s sleeping on her friend’s couch in a crowded house in Dublin.
One of the first ads RTÉ Investigates replied to was from a man in his 30s in Munster.
His ad had a fake picture of a bedroom and no price listed.
LANDLORD 1: We could do something I suppose. Just all depends what you’re up for…
LANDLORD 1: I wouldn’t mind a little bit of fun.
RESEARCHER: So, a bit of… you mean sex?

Picture credit:RTÉ Investigates
Before she met this man, he sent very explicit messages including: “Will you be wearing something revealing?” and “I want to see how hot u are. Can you give me a ******* after in my car”
At their meeting he also told her if she wanted they could book a hotel and see if she “wanted it”.
She gave an excuse she needed to think about the arrangement to conclude the meeting.
Putting pressure on her, after their meeting the man text again to say: “I can put u up in a hotel maybe Wednesday night. Enjoy it yourself, I want to call then Thursday morning.”
He followed up again after their meeting,
LANDLORD 1: “Was there anything that could convince you some way or? When I said like sex two or three times a week, like was that too much or?”
RTÉ Investigates answered another ad, this time posted by a man in his mid-40s from Leinster.
The advert read, “Free room for housekeeping and other services when required. No time wasters. No Men. Females only thank you.”
He refused to send a picture of the room until the RTÉ Investigates researcher sent a picture of herself first.
In advance of their meeting the second landlord replied by text to her requests for further details.
LANDLORD 2: “services are sexual, house keeping in maybe 2hrs a week, cooking isn’t required”
LANDLORD 2: “Do u have high sex drive? Or will it be a chore.”
LANDLORD 2: “what happens if after a while we getting on well and one of us wanted or felt like it was relationship?”
RTÉ Investigates answered a third advert, “En-suite room available for free in Dublin with special arrangement. Only women reply-please.”
RESEARCHER: “The special arrangement would be involving?”
LANDLORD 3: “Yeah. Twice a week, maybe.”
RESEARCHER: “Okay. What would be, just so I know, like, what you want?”
LANDLORD 3: “Just straightforward, you know, nothing…”.
RESEARCHER: “What would be straightforward?”
LANDLORD 3: “Sex. **** sex. That’s it. No, nothing further than that. You know, yeah?”
RESEARCHER: “I don’t pay anything, or?”
LANDLORD 3: “No. No because I own the house.”
In Ireland, there is still no specific law to ban landlords from seeking sex for rent, although there is widespread agreement that something must be done.
“What you have right now is something of a perfect storm in terms of the vulnerability that has opened up around housing and around finding somewhere to rent and accommodation,” Dr Clíona Saidléar, executive director of the Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNI) told RTÉ Investigates.
“There is a certain cohort of society where this has become a normalised or somewhat tolerated aspect of looking for a house and that’s utterly unacceptable.”
Kieran McGrath, a Psychiatric Social Worker said: “We need explicit legislation.
“A law governing it would send a very clear message, because people who convince themselves this is okay and it’s not illegal, that gives them a green light as far as they’re concerned.”
In his opinion, in a sex for rent scenario where homelessness may be your only other choice, questions also arise in relation to the issue of consent.
“There’s no equality at all.
“This is basically sexual exploitation where you give sex in return for some economic benefit, whether it might be rent, it could be drugs, it could be alcohol.
“That’s a well-established definition of sexual exploitation which is a form of sexual abuse. It’s that simple.”
Watch RTÉ Investigates: Sex for Rent report tonight at 9.35pm on Prime Time, on RTÉ One and RTÉ Player.