Local councils meet to discuss housing needs
Dublin People 07 Mar 2020
DUBLIN’s councils have met with various bodies at the inaugural meeting of a Regional Forum in a bid to enhance the delivery of housing.

Dún Laoghaire Rathdown, Fingal and South Dublin County Councils all took part in the event.
Catherine Keenan, Director of Housing, Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council, who hosted the inaugural meeting said: "Local authorities and Approved Housing Bodies share an overarching objective to provide and manage homes for individuals and families who need support in meeting their accommodation needs.
“The purpose of the Regional Forum is to bring together leaders in the development of social housing across the sector; to gather learning and experience; and to review and monitor targets and delivery streams.”
The Regional Forum is designed to provide an opportunity for leaders from across the sector to come together.
The Forum will meet quarterly and will be hosted by the three local authorities on a rotational basis.
Colm Ward of South Dublin County Council, added: “We are all committed to the development of best practice to grow capacity for delivery.”