COMMENT: Keep it country!

Dublin People 21 Nov 2015
Country superstar Garth Brooks

EVERYONE has their opinion on which music genre is the best and Dublin People group editor Tony McCullagh certainly lets us know of his feelings about country music (November 11, 2015).

Actually, his claim that country music makes his ears bleed would make a wonderful title for a song! Tony also gets nightmares thinking of country.

Well, Tony better get used to it because country comes out in 4th place of all the many popular music genres and is here to stay – so I would suggest that Tony stocks up with a box of sleeping pills!  Does he not remember that Elvis started off with country?

I note that Tony doesn’t let us know his own personal music genre preference. Maybe if we knew then we could have an equally fair chance of ridiculing the choice of music that makes him happy. Is it heavy metal, punk rock, hard rock, rap etc? Or could it be that as a grown up adult he is afraid to admit he is a One Direction fan?

If country does not make him smile and be happy, then he must really be a very sad person. Some people get their kicks from listening to some aging rocker roar out obscenities while under the influence of some concoction. Others may get a thrill out of watching some stupid looking, blank-faced moron rapping and muttering some unintelligible words. 

I could go on but I guess you know what I mean. There is one thing I agree with, Tony: that is, that the residents around Croke Park should not be put through the torture of having four days of concerts imposed on them, whether it’s country or any other type of music. 

So Tony: stay vigilant and keep your ‘Down With That Sort of Thing” placard in your shed in case any music genre tries to take over Croke Park.

Sean Holland

Click here to read Tony McCullagh’s original article

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