The perfect Script is written for Maeve
Dublin People 24 Apr 2015
A NORTHSIDE teenager’s dream of meeting members of
‘The Script’ came true recently thanks to the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
Maeve Harkin (13), from Malahide, had leukemia and underwent treatment for a couple of years. Thankfully, she is well now. Her wish, granted by Make-A-Wish, was to meet band members Glen Power, Mark Sheehan and Danny O’Donoghue.
After her wish was granted, Maeve’s mum, Moira Dunne, said:
“We’re all still in a bit of a daze even now and finding it hard to return to normality. Maybe we never will
A delighted Maeve recently helped the Make-A-Wish Foundation – which has a target of 175 wishes this year – promote its Wish Band Day to raise essential funds to help grant wishes to more children living with life-threatening medical conditions.
Since its inception in 1992, Make-A-Wish® Ireland has granted wishes to over 1,700 children. They rely on support from the public as they do not receive Government funding.
A wish is more than just a one-off event for the recipient. It creates extraordinary moments for brave children whose daily routine involves hospital visits, painful procedures and an uncertain future.
For more information on the Foundation and to make a donation, visit