Slingers are winners say Northside mums
Dublin People 24 Apr 2015
MOST parents are content using a buggy to ferry about their babies but a group of women on Dublin’s Northside are taking a somewhat different approach.
Babywearing Ireland is a voluntary organisation that advocates the use of baby slings and informs parents on the benefits of
‘wearing’ your baby.
Once a month, volunteers hold a sling meet in the Barbara Ward Community Centre, just off Clonliffe Road.
“It’s a very informal meet-up, mainly consisting of mums
?, says Willemein Koelink, a regular at the class.
“We come together, try different slings and get tips from each other
The parents in attendance are convinced of the advantages of wearing their children in slings.
“Most people think baby-wearing is just about practicality but it’s also about a connection with your baby, the closeness you have
?, says Willemein.
“It calms your baby down and calms you down as well. It also regulates your hormones.
While baby-wearing has shown to increase the bond between parent and child, the practical benefits for busy mums are equally apparent.
“This is my second baby and I find that now I have a toddler at home, it’s easier to wear the baby and have my two hands free to look after the toddler
?, says Swords native, Sorcha Cotter.
“He’ll sleep the whole time in the sling and it’s just nice and cuddly.
The class, which runs for two hours, is facilitated by Anja Alt on behalf of Babywearing Ireland. For her, baby slings enable everyday tasks to be carried out with minimum fuss.
“Even just getting on the bus, going into the city and not having to worry about a buggy
?, she says.
These sentiments are echoed by Alice, who was born in Hong Kong but now lives in Dublin.
“I got into baby-wearing because I find it so handy, especially considering I’ve no extended family here to help out,
? she says.
“I can put the baby on my back and get cooking and shopping done.
Alice says baby-wearing is very popular in Asia.
“In Ireland most people don’t know too much about it so coming to a group like this is very informative.
“If I didn’t have baby-wearing I wouldn’t be able to get anything done around the house. It’s lifesaving to be honest.
Visit for details on the new baby carrying trend.