Deaf charity needs your local heroes

Dublin People 17 Apr 2015
Last year’s ‘Young Learner of the Year’ winner, Quaid Cleland, an Irish Sign Language (ISL) campaigner from Rathfarnham, is pictured with John Walker of the University of Sussex and Jim Edwards, Signature CEO.

A BRITISH charity that aims to improve the lives of deaf people is asking people to nominate their local heroes and helpers for an award.

Signature’s new annual awards recognise and celebrate the achievements of volunteers, businesses and individuals whose efforts help deaf people to be part of their local community.

‘Signature Recognises….The Community’ awards has seen the launch of seven new categories including the Community Group/Project Award whose winner will receive a grant of £2,000 to help them achieve their project aims and further enrich the lives of deaf and deaf/blind people.

Now in their seventh year, the Signature Annual Awards have been expanded to reflect the impact that nominees have throughout their communities.

Signature’s Chief Operating Officer, Lindsay Foster, said:

“Every year we receive award entries that describe truly inspirational individuals, groups and organisations and every year we are amazed by the impact they have on local communities.

“The entries bring our attention to the huge amounts of unrecognised work being done for deaf people across the country. Because of this we decided to celebrate the achievements and make people aware of this work, to say

‘well done’ and, more importantly,

‘thank you’.

“So this year’s awards focus upon the outstanding achievements of individuals, groups and organisations working to better the lives of the deaf community. We’re confident that we’ll receive a lot of entries, each one as motivational as the next, and then the hard part begins, when it comes to judging.

“No matter who wins, everyone involved can be proud that they are helping to raise standards of communication with deaf and deaf/blind people,

? Ms Foster added.

“If you know a person, group or business doing great things for deaf people in their communities, then please nominate them.

Other new categories this year include the Entrepreneur Award that will showcase determined and successful deaf entrepreneurs who do not let their deafness hold them back, and the Community Spirit Award that will highlight those who show community spirit to ensure deaf people do not feel isolated.

Nominations are now open for all seven categories until they close on Wednesday, June 10. National shortlists will be announced on Wednesday, July 8, followed by a prestigious awards ceremony to announce the winners in October.

Entry is free and can be completed online, or sent via e mail or post in British Sign Language or Irish Sign Language. To see the full list of categories, find out more or to make a nomination visit

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