Extra city Luas stop welcomed

Dublin People 28 Dec 2014
▪ Luas Cross City will have a northbound stop on Dawson Street

THE inclusion of a northbound Luas stop on Dawson Street will make Luas Cross City more accessible to a greater number of people, the Dublin Chamber of Commerce has said.

Original plans for the new north-bound line would have meant no stop between St Stephen’s Green and Westmoreland Street, a distance of over a kilometre.

“This would have been much too long and would have reduced the benefits of a much needed piece of transport infrastructure,

? said Dublin Chamber CEO Gina Quin.

“A stop on Dawson Street will make the Luas more appealing and easier to access for commuters, shoppers and tourists in the city centre.

Luas Cross City will join the two Luas lines but also link the north and south sides of Dublin city centre. It will run from the Green Line terminus at St Stephen’s Green through the city centre, Phibsborough and Cabra to Broombridge. The line is due to open at the end of 2017.

“It will provide a crucial way for people to get both in and out of Dublin city centre,

? said Quin.

“When we link up our transport network more effectively we give passengers greater options on where they can get to in the city.

Minister for Transport and Dublin Central TD, Paschal Donohoe, also welcomed An Bord Pleanála’s decision to allow the Railway Procurement Agency (RPA) to develop the northbound stop on Dawson Street.

“Luas Cross City is set to see what is an already extremely successful piece of transport infra- structure grow even further, with an additional 10 million journeys expected each year when it comes on stream,

? he said.

“The Luas Cross City team has been very active on the ground in engaging with local businesses as works have been progressing and that businesses along Dawson Street were particularly keen to have a northbound stop located there.

Minister Donohoe added:

“This means that access to the National Gallery, Trinity College, the National Library and other tourist attractions will be considerably enhanced. Accessibility for commuters getting around the city centre will also be significantly improved.

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