A good day for business in Fingal as LEO opens

Dublin People 24 May 2014
Oisin Geoghegan, Head of the new Fingal LEO, Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton, and Fingal County Manager, Paul Reid, pictured at the opening of the new Fingal Local Enterprise Office in Swords.

AT the official opening of the new Local Enterprise Office (LEO) at County Hall, Swords, last week, Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton, described it as a good day for business in Fingal.

“The Fingal Local Enterprise Office will deliver more services and better services to the start-ups and small businesses across the county that we rely on to create the jobs we need – with more staff and more funding,

? said Minister Bruton.

At the opening ceremony, it was announced that 25 small businesses are to receive

?¬2,500 to support online trading.

Under the

‘Online Trading Voucher’ scheme, 25 small businesses will be able to spend up to

?¬2,500 on this voucher, or up to a maximum of 50 per cent of the relevant costs, to develop or upgrade their websites or to roll out their digital marketing strategies.

Minister Bruton said the online trade scheme was particularly welcome.

“Irish consumers spend almost

?¬4 billion online every year but 70 per cent goes to retailers abroad,

? he said.

“There is a huge opportunity here for Irish SMEs, and providing supports in this area is a great example of what the LEOs will be doing.

“Start-ups and small businesses are crucial to our plans for jobs and growth. 200,000 SMEs in Ireland employ well over 600,000 people in Ireland, and two thirds of all new jobs come from businesses in their first five years of existence.

Minister Bruton added:

“By creating the Local Enterprise Offices, SMEs across the country will be able to access in one place in their own county all the supports provided by the State through various agencies.

Fingal County Manager Paul Reid said:

“Fingal LEO will be at the front line assisting business growth and jobs, providing direct support and pulling together all the players – agencies, this council and the private sector – to support everyone with a good business idea and strengthen the enterprise sector in Fingal.

“By bringing the functions of Fingal County Enterprise Board into Fingal County Council, I know we can offer a more streamlined service for clients.

Mr Reid added:

“We aim to overcome the typical barriers to success that small businesses have faced such as access to finance or lack of management, marketing or planning skills.

Oisín Geoghegan, new Head of the Local Enterprise Office, said the new online trading voucher scheme is just one example of the types of services that local start-ups and businesses can now access.

“The needs of small businesses and start-ups are ever-changing and the range of support services available locally is also changing, to meet those needs,

? he said.

“Through the Local Enterprise Office, we’re helping to create a positive entrepreneurial environment, where small businesses can succeed and employment will be created.

Mayor of Fingal, Cllr Kieran Dennison, said:

“Supporting small business is crucial if an entrepreneurial culture is to develop and thrive and LEO Fingal will be of a key element of this support.

Further information about the enterprise supports available to small businesses and new start-ups in Fingal is available at www.localenterprise.ie/Fingal

The deadline for applications under the new

‘Online Trading Voucher’ scheme is June 1.

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