ASTI President sends message to exam students

Padraig Conlon 04 Jun 2024

In a message to more than 136,000 students due to begin their written Leaving and Junior Cert written exams tomorrow, ASTI President Geraldine O’Brien urged students to maintain a simple and balanced routine over the coming weeks.

“You have already achieved so much during your time as a second-level student.

“Your job now is to look after yourself over the coming weeks.

“A good routine with plenty of rest, some exercise, and time for organising yourself and for social connections, will help you get the most out of the preparation work you have been undertaking over the past number of months,” said Ms O’Brien.

“It is normal to experience some level of stress approaching a new experience.

“Many of you are sitting written State exams for the first time.

“Be kind to yourself and show up for yourself each day.

“You have already demonstrated incredible resilience in your life – including coming through a global pandemic and all of the disruption that came with it.

“Your teachers are proud of you.

“Always remember that these are just exams, and regardless of outcomes, life will continue to present you options and choices.”

Ms O’Brien thanked all those involved in this year’s Leaving and Junior Cert exams including students, their parents and teachers, the exam superintendents, the examiners, and the State Exams Commission.

“Having independently-assessed State exams means that teachers can champion their students right throughout the Junior and Leaving Cert.

“Students and parents know that exams will be marked objectively and fairly by the State Exams Commission.

“This equitable and transparent process is very much valued and is a cornerstone of Ireland’s high performing education system.”

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