Dublin Senator proposes ban on phones in schools
Mike Finnerty 10 Jul 2023
A Fine Gael Senator has said a ban on phones in primary schools should be rolled out nationwide.

Senator Mary Seery Kearney said “devices are undermining concentration and are a distraction, and our Government should give this strong consideration too.”
Senator Kearney cited an initiative carried out in Greystones, Co Wicklow where parents and guardians collectively agreed to postpone the purchase of smart devices for children until they begin secondary school.
“Many parents have a lot of concerns about their child’s well-being and safety when they allow them to use smart devices.”
“We have all heard stories of children feeling excluded, being bullied and experiencing low self-esteem when they are constantly being faced with updates on what all their peers are doing and who they are socialising with; in tandem with that, there’s potential exposure to harmful or inappropriate content, which brings a whole other set of problems.”
“By coming together, parents, teachers and principals devised and introduced this code, which means all children in the area who attend the same schools won’t experience the dreaded ‘Fear of Missing Out’ (FOMO) by not having a phone or tablet. – none of their classmates will either.”
The Senator also highlighted the rollout of a ban on mobile phones in Pobailschoil Corca Dhuibhne in Dingle, which became the first secondary school in Ireland to introduce a system designed to limit students’ access to their devices during school hours.
When students enter the school building, they are required to place their phones in pouches which are then secured by magnetic lock. The phone can only be released from the pouch by returning to a device outside the building and holding the pouch against it to deactivate the lock.
“These communities are to be admired for their collective foresight and courage and they have shown the power of parents, teachers, and guardians by coming together to create solutions that can only benefit our younger people.”
“I have written to the Online Safety Commissioner and the Ministers for Children and Education to ask them to meet with me to explore the possibility of developing and introducing a pilot programme which would enlist more schools onto the ‘No Smart Device Voluntary Code’ initiative.
Senator Kearney’s proposed move comes as the Netherlands introduced a ban on phones, tablets and smartwatches in all classrooms from January 1st of next year.
The Senator noted there would be some exceptions, with the only permitted devices being those required for lessons, medical reasons, or for people with disabilities.
“Childhood is precious and all the more fleeting now. We have a duty as parents, guardians, teachers and legislators to provide as safe a space as we can for children.
“Not allowing them to have mobile phones or smart devices while at least in primary school is one thing we can do – but we need buy-in from all. I want to see if this is something that’s achievable on a broader scale.”