Worst office phrases go as gaeilge for Local Enterprise Week

Padraig Conlon 04 Mar 2025

To celebrate the Local Enterprise Week from 3rd to 7th March and Seachtain na Gaeilge from the 1st to 17th March the Local Enterprise Offices have released some of those most hated office terms and phrases “as gaeilge”.  

Office workers across the country have been rolling their eyes for years at some of the phrases used in meetings, emails and Teams calls.

Now with Local Enterprise Week taking place alongside Seachtain na Gaeilge, workers will be able to use a new cúpla focal to annoy colleagues!

A common phrase during teams meetings across the country is “You’re on mute” which can be translated to “Tá tú balbhaithe”.   Similarly colleagues have been annoyed by fellow workers setting up meetings for no real reason – “That could have been an email” translates to “Táimid ar mhuin na muice”.

Then for those people in meetings who have realised that they are wasting everybody else’s time you have “Leanfaimid ar aghaidh as líne” or “Let’s take this offline”.

And for those managers who dont really know what they want but are hoping their team will come up with something amazing we have “Tá smaointeoireacht chruthaitheach ag teastáil” or “We need blue sky thinking”.

To do that they may have to “Déanaimis scagadh ar na sonraí” (Drill down on the data) to establish if “Is éasca an sprioc sin a bhaint amach” (It’s low hanging fruit).

Managers across the country will be asking “An bhfuil spás sa sceideal agat?” (Do you have any bandwidth?) as “Teastaíonn gach uile dhuine ar deic” (We will need all hands on deck).

Once all the great work is done there will be a requirement to “Cuirfimid é sin ar an méar fhada” (Let’s circle back on that) before finally deciding “Féachaimis chuige go seasfaidh sé an aimsir” (We need to futureproof).

Local Enterprise Week, an initiative of the Local Enterprise Offices, is taking place from the 3rd to 7th March across the country.

There are over 350 events being hosted in the 31 local authority areas for people at any stage of business.

The schedule of events will see everything from creating that business idea and finding funding to digitising your business and looking at new markets.

To find out what is happening you can log on to www.LocalEnterprise.ie/Week for more details.

Local Enterprise Week x Seachtain na Gaeilge*

Let’s circle back on that                    Cuirfimid é sin ar an méar fhada

You’re on mute                                 Tá tú balbhaithe

That could have been an email        Táimid ar mhuin na muice

We need all hands on deck              Teastaíonn gach uile dhuine ar deic

We need to move the dial                Caithfimid dul i bhfeidhm ar chúrsaí

Let’s take this offline                         Leanfaimid ar aghaidh as líne

Do you have any bandwidth?           An bhfuil spás sa sceideal agat?

Let’s do a deep dive on that             Déanaimis anailís chruinn air sin

Let’s touch base on that                   Caithfimid cúrsaí a phlé

We need blue sky thinking               Tá smaointeoireacht chruthaitheach ag teastáil

It’s low hanging fruit                         Is éasca an sprioc sin a bhaint amach

We need to futureproof                    Féachaimis chuige go seasfaidh sé an aimsir

Let’s drill down on the data               Déanaimis scagadh ar na sonraí

Thinking outside the box                  Smaoineamh as an nua

*These are figurative as opposed to literal translations where exact translations were not possible

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