“Dublin needs action, not delays” says Ó Ríordáin
Mike Finnerty 10 Feb 2025
Labour MEP Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has strongly criticised the government over the dereliction issue in Dublin.

An Irish Times article, published on Saturday, found that 14,500 homes and commercial properties are lying vacant across Dublin, with 4,000 empty in the city centre alone.
“These figures lay bare for all to see the Government’s abject failure to tackle the housing crisis,” Ó Ríordáin said.
“While thousands of families and young people struggle to afford a home, and while homelessness continues to rise, we have properties sitting idle, many at risk of dereliction. This is a scandal, and it is the direct result of Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil’s hands-off approach to vacancy and dereliction.”
The Dublin spokesperson for Labour asserted “this isn’t just about temporary vacancies, as more than one-fifth of the vacant buildings have been empty for over four years—this is long-term neglect. It’s clear the government lacks both the will and the vision to bring these properties back into use. Instead of bold action, we get half-measures and excuses.”
“As a member of the European Parliament’s Housing Committee, I will push for EU-wide action on vacancy and dereliction. Across Europe, cities are finding innovative ways to tackle vacancy, using taxation, compulsory purchase, and investment in renovation. I will be working at the European level to push for stronger measures to help Ireland and other countries bring empty homes back into use.
“We cannot stand by while our city falls into disrepair. Dublin needs action not, not more delays. Teachers, guards and nurses can’t afford to live in our city while thousands of properties lie vacant for speculative reasons. This crisis won’t fix itself, the Government needs to step up immediately.”