Mac Donncha welcomes progress on re-opening Belmayne playground
Dublin People 21 Jan 2025
Sinn Féin councillor Mícheál Mac Donncha has welcomed need news of progress in plans to re-open a long closed playground and recreation space in Belmayne estate.

The Donaghmede councillor put a motion down for the Dublin City Council North Central Area Committee on 20 January, on the need for the Council to make progress in taking over and reopening the closed former playground. The motion was adopted and the councillor said that reply from Area management is “positive” but “assurance is still needed that work will commence as soon as possible.”
The text of Mac Donncha’s motion read “this Area Committee calls on all relevant stakeholders to ensure, at the earliest possible date in 2025, that the recreation area and closed playground in Belmayne estate is taken in charge by Dublin City Council and restored to community use, a long overdue restoration and improvement of a very basic amenity.”
In reply, the local Area Manager wrote “the play equipment in the junior play lot was removed by the management company. While the Parks Service is not leading the Taking in Charge process it is understood that process is well advanced and will be completed soon. Arrangements have been put in place to have the open space included in the landscape maintenance contract once grass growth commences in the coming weeks. Procurement of similar junior play items has commenced. In the meantime the 2 playgrounds in the main park some 300m to the north remain available to the community.”