Record-breaking number of women running for Seanad
Dublin People 10 Jan 2025
The 2025 Seanad election sets another record for women candidates, with the highest ever number of women contesting for seats on the Seanad vocational panels. Forty-six women, 39% of all candidates, will contest across the five panels. In the 2020 Seanad Election 36 women contested, 31% of all candidates. There is no candidate gender quota for Seanad elections.
“The Seanad election is the third successive election, after the Local and General Elections, where the number of women candidates have set new records. This continues an upward trend that underscores the growing enthusiasm and determination of women to enter public life in Ireland, despite the challenges” said Brian Sheehan, CEO of Women for Election.
The Local Elections last June had a 21% increase in women candidates; the General Election in November had a 52% increase in women candidates on the previous elections.
“Despite these record numbers of women contesting elections, the numbers of women elected to Local Government and to the Dáil remains chronically low – making Ireland one of the worst in Europe for the number of women in elected public office. There are big systemic challenges that need to be overcome to ensure that we have a gender-balanced politics.
“The Seanad election provides a very significant opportunity to the voters to strengthen our democracy by casting their votes to ensure that more women and women from a Traveller, migrant, LGBTI+, disability or other minority background are returned as Senators. A Seanad and an Oireachtas that reflects the society it represents will lead to better decision-making, more inclusive policies and a greater trust in democracy.
“This record-breaking election demonstrates yet again that women in Ireland are ready, willing, and able to lead at every level of politics. A wide range of talented, capable women candidates with expertise in a range of fields have put themselves forward for election. We are encouraging all voters in Seanad elections to research the women running at and to consider voting for them”, concluded Sheehan.