Traveller and Roma Men’s Health football tournament
Padraig Conlon 13 Jun 2024
Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre held its 10th National Traveller and Roma Men’s Health Day yesterday at the Phoenix Park.

The day aims to further develop proactive responses and partnership between health services and Travellers and Roma, and was officially opened by Senator Eileen Flynn.
Pavee Point, through the Eastern Region Traveller Health Unit, has hosted an annual Traveller and Roma Men’s Health Day since 2014.
The event has seen over 200 Traveller and Roma men attend year on year to play in the football tournament, link in with mainstream health services and avail of free health checks.
Addressing attendees, Senator Flynn said, “Days like today are so important to further develop trust between health services and Traveller and Roma men given health inequalities and experiences of racism and discrimination. There is a long road to improving health outcomes.”
Senator Flynn continued, “We know barriers in accessing healthcare exist but through a community work approach and the work of Traveller organisations and Primary Health Care Projects, there has been improvements in addressing these issues – but there is more work to be done.”
Health outcomes for Traveller and Roma Men remain exceptionally poor when compared to men in the general population, with suicide and mental health particularly impacting on both communities.
Health outcomes for Traveller men from ‘Our Geels: All Ireland Traveller Health Study’ (AITHS, 2010):
Traveller men die, on average, 15 years younger than men in the general population.
The suicide rate is 7 times higher for Traveller men from AITHS research. Research published in 2023 reinforced that the suicide rate among Traveller men is 6 times the national average.
Health Outcomes for Roma men and women from the Roma Needs Assessment (2018):
Over two-thirds of Roma felt discriminated against at health services
Over half of Roma report frequent mental distress
“Men’s Health day creates space where Traveller and Roma men can talk about mental health and move away from any stigma,” said Patrick Reilly, Mental Health Co-ordinator at Pavee Point.
“Mental health is a huge issue for Traveller and Roma men.
“It’s an epidemic and it is only getting worse. Poor mental health, stigma, shame and barriers to accessing services can also lead to a vicious cycle of addiction.”
Commenting on the impact of Traveller and Roma Men’s Health Day on the community, Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre Men’s Health Worker, Michael Collins said, “Men’s Health Day is about creating the conditions where Traveller and Roma men are empowered and comfortable to participate in sport and take positive action in relation to health.
“Getting health checks is something many Traveller men may not do due to lack of trust in and information about health services.
“Linking men and health services is a step in helping our sense of empowerment and our self-esteem.”
“Roma men report feeling discriminated against by services, so today is important for breaking down barriers that may be there, getting health checks, information, and contacts as well as meeting with other men and getting active,” said Tica Muntean, Community Development Worker with the Roma Programme at Pavee Point.
Speaking about the growth of the event and progress in Traveller and Roma health since 2014, Martin Collins, Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre Co-director said, “The National Traveller Health Action Plan (NTHAP), launched in 2022, was welcomed by Pavee Point as it acknowledges the systemic racism and discrimination that has existed for years.”
Mr. Collins continued, “The NTHAP takes social determinants of health into account and commits to strengthening partnerships between the HSE, Traveller Health Units, local Traveller organisations/Traveller Primary Health Care Projects in the design and delivery of health services.
“However, it is absolutely crucial that we have sustainable and consistent funding for Traveller and Roma Health Infrastructure to enact the plan.”
The Eastern Traveller Health Unit will launch their Eastern Region Traveller Health Plan, which is a regional response aligned with the National Traveller Health Action Plan later this month.