Cuffe calls for “decade of change” in re-election bid

Mike Finnerty 17 May 2024

Green MEP Ciáran Cuffe has called for a “decade of change” in Europe as he launches his re-election bid.

Cuffe, who topped the poll in 2019, is going for Europe again and wants to finish what he started.

During his time as an MEP, the European Parliament passed the European Green Deal and he says that Europe can do so much more for people.

“This has got to be the decade of change. We need to ramp up climate action and ensure that we have a more liveable city for generations to come. More decent and affordable housing, cleaner air and water, expanded green spaces, and top-class transport infrastructure will benefit all Dubliners, and EU green measures can help achieve this. As we do this, we have to make sure that going green is a simple and affordable choice for everyone.”

Cuffe said that his campaign represents a “gentle revolution” and said that the benefits of Europe can be seen in Dublin.

“EU investments can help us to provide greener transport at Dublin Port and offer better connections between the city and our European neighbours. EU support for district heating schemes could see the Dublin District Heating System soon providing cleaner, cheaper energy to communities in the south inner city. The Nature Restoration Law will help us to protect marine life in Dublin’s biosphere, and the projects like the Dublin Bay Array wind energy project can benefit from fast-tracked planning and investment monies provided by the European Commission.”

“However, we need strong and experienced voices in Brussels to actually deliver these benefits, and I have the knowledge and influence to be that voice for Dublin.”

Cuffe said that housing is not just limited to the Irish political sphere, and said that Europe has a part to play in securing housing for all.

“We are often told that Europe has no powers over housing, but that simply isn’t the case. The EU is playing a role in our housing markets, so it is vitally important that we ensure this role is a positive one.”

Cuffe says that he and his European Green colleagues have worked hard on trying to bring housing to the forefront of European politics, but what has been proposed “simply does not go far enough.”

“I’m calling for a European Housing Fund to help address the €57 billion annual investment gap in social and affordable housing. This is a fundamental part of the European Housing Crisis response plan developed by the Greens in Europe, and it addresses five priority areas: more affordable and social housing; boosting renovation and construction; ending homelessness by2030; stricter oversight of short-term rentals; and tackling housing speculation.”

With far-right parties tipped to top the polls in the likes of Germany, France and Italy, Cuffe said “European history has taught us the devastating consequences of opening the door to far-right forces.”

“We need leaders with the political courage to be honest about the real challenges we are facing, to stand up for the most vulnerable in our society, and to tackle those challenges head-on. The Greens are the antidote to the divisive and polarising politics of the far-right, and we will fight for a better Europe that is greener, fairer, and safer for everyone.”

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