Padraig Conlon 22 Dec 2023
Blanch Centre plans opposed by retailers
Contentious plans to build more than 900 apartments on a site at Blanchardstown Centre were being opposed by some of the shopping centre’s biggest retailers.

Last month, the owner of the Blanchardstown Centre, Goldman Sachs, secured planning permission for a 971 unit apartment scheme for the retail site.
The proposed mixed use housing development includes 117 studio apartments, 368 one-bed apartments, 422-two bed apartments and 64-three bed apartments.

Tallaght Hospital
Cancer breakthrough at Tallaght Hospital
Medical researchers at Tallaght University Hospital (TUH) were part of a ground-breaking Clinical Trial which discovered that the drug Rucaparib is successful in the treatment of certain prostate cancers.
The trial which began in TUH in 2017, was called TRITON 3.
The purpose of the study was to determine how patients with prostate cancer (which had spread) responded to treatment with the drug Rucaparib versus treatment with other drugs (such as Abiraterone Acetate, Enzalutamide or Docetaxel).
The trial only involved men who had either a BRCA or ATM gene mutation.
A spokesperson said that “all of the patients who took part in this study also had what is known as castrate-resistant prostate cancer.“In short, this means that prostate cancer keeps growing even when the amount of testosterone in the body is reduced to very low levels.
“The highly regarded New England Journal of Medicine has just reported that the TRITON 3 Trial demonstrated that progression-free survival was significantly improved when patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer were treated with Rucaparib versus other medications,” a spokesperson said.
Calls to restore Iveagh markets
Plans to restore the Iveagh Markets in the heart of Dublin’s Liberties area must be progressed immediately, a Fine Gael Senator said this month.
Senator Mary Seery Kearney said the building has an historic connection to Dublin and should be regenerated to its former glory.
“In 1906 the 1st Earl of Iveagh built and gifted the Iveagh Markets to the people of Dublin, to be run by Dublin Corporation as public markets,” she said.
“The beautiful Victorian styled covered market complex on Francis Street with distinct and valuable architectural features still stands, but only just. It is now in dire need of immediate restoration and re-development.
“Since 1993, it has been the subject of three separate restoration announcements by either a developer or the City Council. It is currently unsafe and in an advanced state of dereliction.”
Coombe Hospital Master’s Medal for baby Nicolas
Master of The Coombe Hospital, Michael O’Connell, welcomed back two-month-old Nicolas Urban, the first baby born in the hospital in 2023, along with his family to receive the Master’s Medal, which celebrates the first baby born at the hospital each year. Pictured above is Mum, Malgorzata Urban and two-month-old, Nicolas, with The Coombe Hospital’s Master’s Medal. Picture Jason Clarke.
Clontarf shelters in disrepair
Significant works are needed to prevent further deterioration of the Clontarf promenade shelters, Dublin City Council said this month.
In a report to councillors, DCC said that the shelters and bandstand have eroded and rusted over time.
The structures were built between 1955 and 1958 by Dublin Corporation and are currently in the process of being added to the record of protected structures.
The local authority said although the roof of the circular bandstand is not in immediate danger of collapse “significant structural repair” works are needed to reinforce and refurbish the monument.
The bandstand has recently been fenced off due to concerns regarding its structural stability.

Pictured is the new “Fishing Pier” at Howth Harbour. Fennell Photography 2023
The new €10 million ‘Fishing Pier’ at Howth Fishery Harbour Centre was officially opened by the Minister for Agriculture, Food, and the Marine Charlie McConalogue.
Officially opening ‘The Fishing Pier’, Minister McConalogue said:
“It is an integral part of my Department’s overall strategy to provide dedicated, stand-alone fit for purpose facilities for the fishing industry in Howth.
“The newly redeveloped Fishing Pier facilitated the moving of vessels from the west pier onto this redeveloped pier.
The works comprised of the construction of 134 metres of new quay wall, dredging, stabilisation and infill of subsea material which covers a greatly enlarged area of 6,500m2.
Works commenced in October 2020 and were completed in April 2022 at a cost of €10 million.

Pictured is then Ireland manager Vera Pauw with Larkview FC’s under 10 girls team at the Cabbage Patch, Dublin 8. Photograph: Sasko Lazarov / Photocall Ireland
Woman’s National Football Team chosen as Grand Marshal
The Republic of Ireland Women’s National Football Team were chosen as the Grand Marshal for the 2023 National St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
Then Team Manager Vera Pauw, experienced defender Diane Caldwell and former international Paula Gorham represented the team and led out the national parade on Friday March 17th.
The efforts, skill and determination of the Women’s National Football Team saw them reach their first ever FIFA World Cup Finals which took place later in the year in Australia and New Zealand.
The entire squad reflects the very best of Ireland’s strength, perseverance and sporting achievement and acts as an inspiration for fans young and old across Ireland.
Sinead O’Connor honoured

Members of the ‘Not Our Fault Campaign’ who were still waiting on promised redress from Housing Minister Darragh O’Brien
Redress campaigners blast Housing Minister
One month on from an in-person meeting with Housing Minister Darragh O’Brien, local owners of Celtic Tiger-era apartments with defects were angry.
They said the very serious matter was not getting ‘the urgency it deserves’ from the Minister and they felt let down.
On February 22, Sam and Odette Doran from ‘Not Our Fault Campaign’, who own an apartment with defects in Park West, met with Minister O’Brien in his office in Leinster House.
The meeting took place following the announcement in January by Minister O’Brien that there would be 100% redress for owners of apartments with defects.
He also said at the time that there would be emergency funding and interim measures in place until the scheme is up and running.