Jim Gavin tells Oireachtas members it is time to give Dubliners local government structures that will deliver change
Padraig Conlon 22 Nov 2023
Jim Gavin, former Dublin football manager and Chairman of The Citizens’ Assembly on a Directly Elected Mayor for Dublin, has questioned if Dublin’s local councils are capable of running the city.

Addressing members of the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Local Government, and Heritage, yesterday, Mr Gavin called on political leaders to show leadership, bravery and ambition in implementing the recommendations the Assembly’s report to create a powerful new elected mayor to drive change in our capital city.
He was addressing the members as part of their consideration of the Assembly’s final report that was published at the start of this year, following six meetings of the Assembly from May-October 2022.
Mr Gavin thanked all the 80 members of the Assembly for their commitment to the process and the evident pride they showed in their city alongside their determination to make it the best possible place to live, work and raise a family.
The recommendations included devolving responsibility immediately for 15 areas and services to the new Mayor immediately, including housing, homelessness, community healthcare, transport, the environment and emergency services, with 6 other areas including Policing, Water, and Education were to be devolved after 5-10 years.
Mr Gavin said that the onus now rests with elected members to take the report’s recommendations and deliver the changes the members have sought.
“Dublin, Baile Átha Cliath, is a uniquely special place,” he said in his address.
“A county, and city, full of beauty and charm, character and characters, rich in culture and history, sport and music, a place for business and leisure, work and pleasure.
“But, like all cities and counties of its size, Dublin faces major challenges.
“The Assembly do not pretend or claim to have found all the answers.
“But we have carefully considered the issues that affect the governance of our city and county today.
“We debated, long and hard, about the reform of local government that Dublin needs in the coming years and decades.
“The Dublin Citizens’ Assembly response to their mandate from the Houses of the Oireachtas is based on factual information and evidence from a wide range of experts, academics and practitioners, including local government specialists, political scientists, international mayors, serving and former politicians and the mayors and CEOs of the four Dublin local authorities.
“The final result of this deliberation is a strong recommendation to create a powerful new Mayor of Dublin as a substantial political figure with wide-ranging powers to lead, deliver, represent and be accountable for our capital city.
“The Assembly also recommended a series of new local government structures to support and sit alongside the new Directly Elected Mayor.
“We have delivered our report to the Oireachtas on time, on schedule.
“Our recommendations demand extensive legislative and administrative change, and brave political leadership.
“They require significant financial resourcing and an ambitious and focused approach to implementation.
“This is not going to happen easily. It is not going to happen without determination and commitment across the political system.
“I have seen what can be achieved in less than 6 months by a group of dedicated, committed members of the public who are willing to stick the course, debate, listen and tease out the issues, and come up with workable solutions.
“I believe a directly-elected mayor, along the lines recommended by this Citizens’ Assembly, will provide that leadership, enhancing political accountability and democratic engagement.
“We look forward to brave political decisions that will devolve power, embrace the principle of subsidiarity, empower local government, and provide for a directly-elected mayor for Dublin.
“In the words of the late, great Brian Mullins, an iconic Dubliner, who sadly passed away on the day of one of our meetings, “Stand your ground, don’t give in and keep going”.
“The response to this report of the Dublin Citizens’ Assembly will help determine the future of this wonderful and special place we call home: Baile Átha Cliath – Dublin.”