Higgins calls for commercial cyclists to wear identification numbers
Mike Finnerty 09 Nov 2023
Commercial cyclists should be required to wear identification numbers to improve safety standards on our public roads, a Fine Gael TD has said.

TD Emer Higgins has called for legislative action that he says would create a sense of “accountability” and “promote safer sharing of space on the road.”
“It’s time we consider the implementation of a system akin to number plates for these commercial cyclists and e-bikes. This will not only protect pedestrians and motorists but also ensure that those who do not follow the rules of the road are easily identifiable and held accountable,” she said.
“Many people use bicycles and e-bikes for business and employment purposes and in the same way that we can identify cars, through registration plates, we should be able to identify other road users through proper identification plates.”
“By introducing a number plate system for commercial cyclists, we can foster a more responsible culture on our roads,” and said it would “aid Gardaí in addressing traffic violations swiftly and effectively, ultimately enhancing the safety of our roads for everyone.”
“While there’s no denying that commercial cyclists such as food delivery drivers experience their own challenges, particularly in relation to their own personal safety, including the risk of theft and violence, no one should have to fear walking the streets of their own communities or doubt the safety of their loved ones on the road,” the Dublin Mid-West TD said.
“We have more bicycles, e-bikes and e-scooters on our roads than ever before, and unfortunately with this comes an increased risk of accidents and incidents. Ireland has already had more road deaths in 2023 than all of 2022, so we must now try to do everything we can to ensure our roads become safer for all and that means making all users fully accountable.”
39 pedestrians, 4 E-scooter drivers/passengers, and 6 pedal cyclists have died so far on Irish roads this year.