Petition to save Aldborough House
Mike Finnerty 08 Nov 2023
Labour Senator Marie Sherlock has launched a petition alongside Labour councillor Deborah Byrne that calls for the State to purchase Aldborough House.

Citing Aldborough House as an example of the north inner city being riddled with derelict buildings and disused sites, Sherlock has called for action to prevent the landmark from falling into further disrepair.
“Aldborough House on Portland Row is a prime example of years of decay. It’s one of the most important Georgian mansions in Dublin and the site of the first theatre on the island of Ireland, yet today it sadly stands derelict behind hoarding and security fencing,” the petition reads.
“This part of the city is crying out for housing, childcare spaces and arts spaces,” and said that the State should buy Aldborough House and take it out of private ownership.
Sherlock said “dereliction sucks the life and soul out of an area, and there is no better example in our area than Aldborough House.”
“It serves as an imposing brooding presence on an area that is crying out for housing, childcare space, and artist spaces.”
“We need to get as many signatures on our petition as possible to show Government that the people of Dublin want this building to be revived and ensure it serves the communities of the north inner city.”
The Senator said that there is “tentative” interest on Government’s part to purchase the site after the issue was raised in the Seanad, but she said that “we now need to see those words converted into real action.”
Aldborough House is one of Dublin’s great eighteenth-century mansions.
Built for the Earl of Aldborough between 1793 and 1799, it was the last great house to be built before the passing of the Act of Union.
In August this year, several heritage groups, An Taisce and Dublin Civic Trust among them, called on the State to buy Aldborough House, which had been owned by the State throughout the 20th century before it was sold to the Irish Music Rights Organisation for use as its headquarters in 1999.
It was subsequently sold to Aldborough Developments, which was eventually wound up.
The petition can be signed at