Dublin City Council unveils commemorative plaque to fireman killed in the line of duty
Padraig Conlon 18 Sep 2023
John ‘Jack’ Darmon, a fireman who died while working in Tara Street Station in 1938, has been memorialised by a Dublin City Council commemorative plaque.

On 23 August 1938, Fireman Jack Darmon was electrocuted while working on a Fire Brigade vehicle at the Fire Station on Tara Street.
A veteran of the War of Independence (K ’Company, 3rd Battalion, Dublin Brigade), Jack Darmon was working as a firefighter/mechanic on a brigade vehicle in the garage pit in Tara Street station, when he was electrocuted and died.
He left a wife and four children.
His death occurred at a time of massive reorganisation in the Dublin Fire Brigade, and he has never been properly marked by a memorial in the station.

Pictured are, from left, Jacinta Darmon and Maria Darmon, grandchildren Jack Darmon, Colin Darmon, grandson of Jack Darmon, and Dr Bill Toner, nephew of Jack Darmon, at the unveilling.
Photo Chris Bellew / Fennell Photography
Speaking at the unveiling of the commemorative plaque, Chief Fire Officer Dennis Keeley said:
“Dublin Fire Brigade are delighted to have the opportunity to mark and remember Firefighter Darmon and welcome members of his family who have travelled here today for this occasion.”
Representing the Lord Mayor at the unveiling was Councillor Tom Brabazon, who said, “In unveiling this plaque today we remember the sacrifices made by a man who lost his life in the service of the people of Dublin.
“To John Darmon’s grandson, Colin, who has travelled from Canada to be with us today, and to the Darmon family, I want to say that Dublin City Council is proud to unveil this plaque, which formally recognises the sacrifice that Jack made in the service of Dublin.
“In doing so we are also acknowledging the great service that Jack’s successors in today’s Dublin Fire Brigade give to our City day in and day out.”

Trish and Colin Darmon, grandson of Jack Darmon, at the unveilling today.
Photo Chris Bellew / Fennell Photography
The decision to erect the plaque was made by the Dublin City Council Commemorations & Naming Committee, whose chair, Councillor Vincent Jackson, said: “The Commemorative Plaques Scheme allows the City to formally commemorate people who have made a significant contribution to the life of Dublin.
“We welcome suggestions from the public for people and events to be commemorated, and full details are on the Council website.”