Chambers criticises NCT plans to go cashless
Mike Finnerty 28 Aug 2023
Junior Minister Jack Chambers has criticised an announcement made by NCT Ireland that they plan to stop accepting cash as payment.
Chambers, who serves as the Junior Minister at the Department of Transport, told the Irish Examiner “my officials in the Department of Transport have discussed this matter with the RSA and despite a social media announcement by Applus+ there has been no process or arrangement for the introduction of changes to the NCT payment system agreed.”
“I have been clear with the Road Safety Authority that people without access to online or electronic payment structures will continue to have alternative options to pay for the NCT service and that a range of payment options must remain available.”
“It’s important that payment processes for the NCT service are inclusive and accessible for everyone in the community,” the Dublin West TD said.
He asserted that “any future changes will still include provision for those that can not pay digitally.”
The announcement that NCT was transitioning to online-only payments has been sharply criticised on social media and by politicians, with Aontú leader Peadar Tóibín calling the decision “damaging.”
A social media post by NCT Ireland said “NCTS are going cashless over the coming months for your safety and convenience, this means that payment must be made in advance of attending your NCT.”
“When introduced, payment can be made online or by postal order.”
The Department of Finance said it would weigh up legislation if it should be policy to require the public service to accept cash as payment, and that cash payment was “an important element of the payment system in Ireland and the broader economy.”