Minister marks completion of Celbridge Link Road in Adamstown Strategic Development Zone
Padraig Conlon 28 Feb 2023
Minister Darragh O’Brien joined the Mayor of South Dublin County, Cllr Emma Murphy and South Dublin County Council Chief Executive Daniel McLoughlin at Adamstown to mark the completion of 2,000 new homes, including 800 affordable homes.

Delivery of these 2,000 new homes, has been made possible with €20million of LIHAF (Local Infrastructure Housing Activation Fund) funding from DHLGH (Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage) along with funding from South Dublin County Council for the construction of two new public parks at Tandys Lane Park and Airlie Park and a new access road into Adamstown called the Celbridge Link Road.
The affordable homes have been delivered at a range of prices including 300 homes below €300,000 and another 500 homes below €320,000.
According to the council, the Celbridge Link Road in Adamstown delivers significantly improved accessibility and connectivity on the western side of Adamstown – to not only the existing and future residents of Adamstown but also the residents within the adjoining communities of Celbridge and Leixlip.
This north/south connection from the R403 provides a direct link from the R403 to the Adamstown Rail Station, which will provide for shorter commuter times and more sustainable and environmentally friendly commuting patterns within the area.
This vital piece of infrastructure will also assist in unlocking the significant housing delivery potential of currently zoned, yet undeveloped lands within the southern extents of Adamstown.
The Department for Housing, Local Government and Heritage is also providing a further €10million of URDF (Urban Regeneration Development Fund) funding to support the delivery of a new public plaza, a third park and a new Library in Adamstown which will facilitate a further 585 new homes, 118 of which will be social and affordable homes.
These three projects and the homes are expected for completion in 2026.
The first project to be delivered is the public Plaza, which will open the Adamstown District Centre, that will include key housing, the opening of two largescale stores, as well as up to 18 smaller retail stores around the Plaza.
The Plaza will also provide a key setting for the future delivery of the aforementioned library, as well as a permeable route from Adamstown Station into the Strategic Development Zone. It is likely that the Plaza will be substantially completed this summer.
To date a total of 3,650 homes have been completed in Adamstown and a further 3,500 homes have planning permission.
Minister O’Brien said: “It’s important to mark the significant progress which has been made to date by South Dublin County Council with the support of my Department. We’re now looking forward to the future and delivering more large scale projects like this which provides vital infrastructure and unlocks the potential for thousands of new homes. Under Housing for All we are looking to deliver at least 300,000 new homes between now and 2030 and we will use every lever we have to help us do just that.”
Chief Executive of South Dublin Daniel McLoughlin added: “I am delighted with the Government’s continued support for the delivery of critical infrastructure that will continue to unlock the development of a diverse, vibrant and sustainable residential community within the Adamstown SDZ. The delivery of large-scale infrastructural projects such as; Tandy’s Lane Park, the Celbridge Link and forthcoming delivery of Adamstown Plaza and Airlie Park are having – and will continue to have – a transformative impact on the existing and future Adamstown residents. The projects have been designed to a high contemporary standard and quality that will not only enhance the identity of the Adamstown but also the quality of life for the existing and future residents. Of significant importance, the delivery of these key infrastructural projects will continue to unlock the delivery of approximately 2700 homes within one of the most accessible, diverse, and vibrant communities in Ireland.
“South Dublin County Council are fully focused on working through the next stages of the Local Infrastructure Housing Activation Fund and Urban Regeneration Development Fund funding processes and are committed to working in partnership with the Department, residents and existing landowners in the Strategic Development Zone to deliver much needed new homes and public amenities within Adamstown as a matter of priority.”
Speaking at the ceremony Cllr, Emma Murphy, Mayor of South Dublin said: “Today we are marking a number of significant developments in Adamstown. The first notably being the Celbridge Link Road in Adamstown which will deliver significantly improved accessibility and connectivity on the western side of Adamstown – to not only the existing and future residents of Adamstown but also the residents within the adjoining communities Celbridge and Leixlip in our neighbouring county of Kildare. This infrastructure will not only provide connectivity but it will support and attract local enterprise to South Dublin.
The provision of a further €10million of URDF (Urban Regeneration Development Fund) funding from Minister O’Brien’s Department for Housing, Local Government and Heritage to support the delivery of a new public facilities here in Adamstown will be a significant step for this area.
A public plaza, a third park and a new Library in Adamstown will be delivered as part of this funding which will also pave the way for the facilitation of a further 585 new homes, 118 of which will be social and affordable homes here in South Dublin”.