Backlog of 500 people awaiting long-term residential care to be discussed at HSE forum

Gary Ibbotson 21 Feb 2023

A backlog of 500 cases of people awaiting long-term residential care will be discussed today at the HSE Health Forum.

Labour councillor Mary Freehill has tabled a motion in an effort to process the backlog.

“There is a waiting list of 500 disabled people in the south Dublin city and county area who are incapable of independent living who are currently being cared for by their parents and awaiting long term care,” she said.

“This is shocking.

“Many parents are now in their eighties having been carers for several decades and they have serious difficulties in coping and providing care.

“It is a completely intolerable way to treat people and putting them under tremendous stress.

“I have spoken to scores of elderly parents who say they are afraid to die until their disabled son or daughter finds a safe and caring home.

It is heart-breaking. Surely, it is a mark of any civilised society that we do everything we can to care for our more vulnerable members of society.

“Last year, despite this shockingly high waiting list, the Department of Health only offered four extra places to a catchment area of over 700,000 people that includes South Dublin city and County, north Kildare and Wicklow.

“This is utterly unacceptable and is failing so many people and families.

“As elected members of local Government we have a duty to use our voice to hold the HSE to account, to take a stand and fight for justice for these families. At the HSE forum we will be requesting, on the record, an urgent meeting with the senior management of the HSE, including Chairman of the HSE Board Mr Ciarán Devane, Bernard Gloster, Chief Executive of the HSE and the Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly, to address this very serious denial of care for some of our most vulnerable citizens.”

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