Kenny welcomes Justice Committee recommendation on decriminalisation and potential legalisation of cannabis
Padraig Conlon 14 Dec 2022
People Before Profit TD Gino Kenny says he welcomes the recommendation of the Oireachtas Justice Committee on decriminalisation of drugs and potential legalisation of cannabis cultivation.

The TD said that this was ‘a positive and progressive move’ and urged the government to convene a Citizens’ Assembly on decriminalisation of drugs for personal use and allow the passage of his Cannabis Regulation Bill 2022.
“I very much welcome this recommendation from the Justice Committee,” Deputy Kenny said.
“It is a progressive move- especially around decriminalisation, the medicinal cannabis access programme, and the drug testing pilot scheme.
“The emphasis is now firmly on the government to move on this recommendation and convene the Citizens’ Assembly on decriminalisation of drugs for personal use.
“The government should now take the People Before Profit bill to decriminalise cannabis possession and make it law.”