Public sector buildings to reduce lighting and heating use during winter months
Gary Ibbotson 08 Sep 2022
The Cabinet yesterday approved a series of “energy-efficiency measures across the public sector” which includes using less lighting and heating in buildings this winter.

In a statement, The Department of Environment said: “All public sector bodies will, from September, take a leading role in lowering their energy consumption and costs – as a first step in the new Autumn Reduce Your Use energy efficiency campaign.
“The Reduce Your Use energy efficiency campaign is designed to target reductions in energy use.
“This includes targeted reductions in energy use by public sector bodies, through simple and easy to implement measures.”
These measures include reducing the temperature and duration of heating systems; reducing energy use from lighting; reducing electricity use at peaks times whenever possible; and making more efficient use of buildings where occupancy is low, at certain times, due to remote working.
Public sector bodies will be required to set temperatures to a guideline 19 degrees where appropriate, to turn off heat in office buildings at least one to two hours before the buildings close and to ensure that there is no non-security/safety lighting in use after 8:00pm.
“However, this requirement allows for consideration of the public service being delivered at that location, and the suitability of reducing temperatures in particular circumstances – for example; hospitals will not be required to reduce temperatures to 19 degrees,” a spokesperson said.
It is expected that this campaign can deliver 5-10 percent energy savings overall across the sector, and up to 15 percent in buildings, the Department says.