Community demonstration at City Hall
Padraig Conlon 05 Sep 2022
Residents of Dublin 8 are holding a demonstration this evening at 5:30pm outside City Hall to appeal to the Lord Mayor and Councillors to request DCC to provide an interim community centre as soon as possible and open the locked gates to desperately need green space for children and sport.

In a statement, Residents of Dublin 8/Teneters Residents Association said:
“The greater Dublin 8 area are now two and a half years without a community centre and have been told it will be at least another two and a half years at best before the community centre is refurbished and reopened.
“Since the Donore Youth and Community Centre fire on 22nd June 2021 and the Covid lockdown before that, the doors and windows have remained boarded up with little to no information provided to community about DCC plans moving forward.
“This is on the back of all the precious green space at St Teresa’s Gardens being fenced off to the public by DCC and green space behind the Player Wills factory by developer Hines.
“The demonstration this evening will have widespread support among community groups including Scoil Treasa, St Catherine`s National school, St.Teresa`s Parish ,Dublin 8 Residents Association ,The Tenters Residents Association, Donore Credit Union and more.
“Members of the public and local Councillors will address attendees.”