Plans lodged for major development at Guinness Brewery lands in city centre
Padraig Conlon 24 Aug 2022
An application has been lodged for a ten year planning permission for development at a site at the existing Guinness Brewery lands to the South of James Street.

The development consists of a mixed-use development across 15 plots including 2 new hotels, 5 commercial office buildings, 6 new residential buildings (including for some Build To Rent in Plot 2) containing a total of 336 no. units (45 studios, 88 1 beds, 3 2-beds (3 Person), 163 2-beds (4 Person) and 37 no. 3 beds), a Markethall, a Foodhall, retail/café/restaurant/public house/bar uses (inc. licensed premises), community and cultural spaces and extensive new public realm and squares with a total above ground gross floor area of c.126,941 sq.m.
The site is bound by James’s Street and Thomas Street West to the north, St. James’s Church (a Protected Structure), Echlin Street and Robert Street to the west, Grand Canal Place to the south west, Portland Street West, Robert Street, Market Street South and Bellevue to the South and Bellevue (also known as Sugar House Lane) and Crane Street to the east.
The application site contains a number of Protected Structures including No’s 61-82 James’s Street, James’s Street Gateway, and sits adjacent to the Guinness Building, the Guinness Storehouse, St. James’s Parochial Hall, and St. James’s Roman Catholic Church.
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