HSE must explain why use of telemedicine is not permitted for women trying to access contraception scheme, TD says
Gary Ibbotson 17 Aug 2022
HSE bosses must explain why they are refusing to permit the use of telemedicine for women trying to access the new free contraception scheme, People Before Profit TD Gino Kenny says.

The party spokesperson on health was responding to the news that the new scheme will exude telehealth practices from prescribing contraception to woman between 18 and 25.
Deputy Kenny said: “There is a huge crisis in GP coverage in the state, many simply cannot get access to a GP with 70 percent of GPs having closed their books to new patients.
“How are women supposed to book in person appointments given the crisis in GP coverage?
“By excluding access to telehealth many women may effectively be excluded from accessing the scheme thus nullifying any of the benefits we hope to see.
“At no stage when this Bill was debated in the Dáil was it suggested that telemedicine, which since Covid has become embedded across the state, would be excluded from the scheme. It makes it virtually impossible for many women to access the scheme.”
The deputy said he intended to seek answers from the HSE and Minister as to why this was happening.
He said: “I think the Health Committee has to address this urgently and the Minister needs to explain the rationale behind this.
“Either he has a plan to address the chronic shortage of GP coverage in the state or telemedicine is going to remain a part of the health landscape for some time.
“If that’s the case, we can’t exclude women from the free contraception scheme like this given the near impossibility of accessing a GP for many.”