Report into the running of An Bord Pleanala handed over to DPP and Gardaí
Gary Ibbotson 16 Aug 2022
The Minister for Housing Darragh O’Brien TD, has on the advice of the Attorney General, referred the report completed by Mr. Remy Farrell SC into the running of An Bord Pleanala to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), An Garda Síochana (AGS) and the Standards in Public Office (SIPO).

It is now a matter for the DPP as to whether a criminal prosecution should be undertaken arising from the findings of the report.
“It would be inappropriate for the Minister to comment further on this specific matter,” a spokesperson for the Minister said.
The Minister has also sought the views of the DPP in relation to the publication of the report having regard to the possibility of a prosecution.
“The Minister would again like to thank Mr. Farrell S.C. and Mr. Chris Mills B.L. who assisted Mr. Farrell in his work,” the spokesperson said.
Minister O’Brien is awaiting the conclusion of a separate internal report from a Senior Management Team within An Bord Pleanála which was requested by Mr. Dave Walsh, Chairperson of An Bord Pleanála.
It is expected that this internal report will examine further allegations of wrongdoing. Minister O’Brien will decide on any further course of action, including possible legislative amendments, following consideration of this report.
“An Bord Pleanála stands at the apex of our planning system and plays a crucial role as the final arbiter of many planning applications,” Minister O’Brien said.
“In this light, I treat any allegations of inappropriate actions or behaviour by its members with the utmost seriousness.
“The public must have trust in the impartiality and integrity of our planning system if it is to function effectively in facilitating sustainable development.”