Gardaí arrest two and seize firearm after search on Townsend Street yesterday
Gary Ibbotson 27 Jul 2022
Gardaí attached to the South Central Divisional Drug unit arrested two persons and seized a suspected firearm yesterday afternoon, Tuesday, July 26.

In a statement, a Garda spokesperson said: “While on patrol in Townsend Street, Dublin 2 members observed unusual activity and approached a male and female (both aged in 30s) who were then searched.
“A suspected firearm (pending analysis) was seized along with a quantity of drugs.
“Both persons were arrested and conveyed to Kevin Street Garda Station where the male was detained under Section 30 Offences Against the State Act, 1939 and remains in custody this morning.”
The female was arrested under Section 15, Misuse of Drugs Act, 1977 and has since been charged and is due to appear before court on 29th July 2022.
Investigations are ongoing.