President Michael D Higgins to officially open Better Ballymun Day

Gary Ibbotson 18 Feb 2022

President of Ireland Michael D. Higgins will perform the official opening of the second “Better Ballymun Day”, taking place on March 4.

The President will meet with organisers and participants, as they begin their day of action to improve the local community.

‘Better Ballymun’ was an idea developed by the students of Trinity Comprehensive, a secondary school at the heart of the community in Ballymun.

The students’ idea was to mobilise all the members of the community and “create the building blocks for a town that all of us can be proud of.”

Supported by Ballymun Tidy Towns and Dublin City Council, the staff and students of Trinity contacted clubs, community groups, organisations and companies to take part in a day of action, where each can contribute in their own way.

“The visit by President Higgins will be an enormous boost for the students and the many community groups taking part in the day,” the organisers say.

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