Firearms and cash seized by Gardaí during Finglas searches
Gary Ibbotson 11 Feb 2022
Gardaí have seized two firearms, ammunition, and €47,000 of cash during a number of searches in the Finglas area on Thursday, February 10.

A Garda spokesperson said: “The search operations, which targeted nine addresses in the Finglas area that were suspected of being utilized by organised crime groups, were conducted by the Emergency Response Unit, the Garda Dog Unit, the Blanchardstown District Detective Unit, as well as the Task Force and Divisional Scenes of Crime Unit.
“Two firearms (subject to analysis), 300 rounds of suspected ammunitions and over €47,000 in cash were seized during the course of these searches.
“Investigations into these seized items and the criminal activities of this west Dublin based crime group are continuing from the Incident Room at Finglas Garda Station.”
Gardaí say that a “number of these addresses have been taken possession of and boarded up by Dublin City Council at the conclusion of these searches.”
Investigations are ongoing in relation to these criminal activities.
An Garda Síochána will continue to maintain a high visibility and community Garda patrols in the area to support the local community.