Tune in to Dublin South FM 93.9FM today at 3pm for DLR PPN Community Connection
Padraig Conlon 26 Jan 2022
This month’s episode of DLR PPN’s Community Connection will be broadcast today at 3pm and repeated tomorrow at 4pm.

Featured in this month’s episode:
As part of the launch of the ‘Work4Change’ series, Southside Partnership Women’s Programme, in conjunction with Women’s Voice DLR, are hosting a webinar – ‘Women’s Voices: The Unfinished Democracy in Ireland’.
Marilyn Nyquist from Women4Women, who coordinate the Southside Partnership Women’s Programme, joins them to tell us more.
‘Living Well’ is a free HSE programme for adults with a long-term health condition. The programme supports people to develop the practical skills and confidence to manage their health better so that they can live well with their health condition.
They will also be joined by Mary Gowing from HSE Community Healthcare East to discuss the programme in more detail.
‘Schools Bikes Africa Project’ has been running for over 6 years, nationally led by Rotary Ireland and with the co-operation and assistance of Local Authorities, the Department of Environment Climate and Communications (DECC), the Defense Forces and the Prison Service.
Eimear McAuliffe from the Rotary Club in Dun Laoghaire joins to tell us more about this worthy programme
As part of the National Maritime Museum of Ireland’s series of lectures, amateur historian and genealogist, David Sullivan, delivered a talk last Thursday evening – ‘My Search for Du Teillay’ which centred around three stories about John William Sullivan and his ship, Du Teillay, The Irish story, the English story and his own story.
David Sullivan will be on to tell us more about this fascinating family story.
Community Connection is sponsored by DLR PPN and co-produced with Peter Rice and Patrick Keeley, Dublin South FM and Simone Sav, DLR PPN Manager.
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