Gardaí seize 2.5kgs of cannabis and arrest one man following D7 search
Gary Ibbotson 19 Jan 2022
Gardaí have seized 2.5kg of cannabis and arrested a man following a search in the Dublin 7 area yesterday.

A spokesperson for the Gardaí said the arrest and seizure were part of Operation Tara.
A statement released from the Gardaí said: “Shortly after 11:30pm last night, Gardaí conducted a search at a residential premises on Halston Street, Dublin 7.
“During the course of the search, suspected cannabis with an estimated value of €50,000 was seized.
“A man in his 20s has been arrested in relation to this seizure and is currently detained under the provisions of Section 2 of the Criminal Justice (Drug Trafficking) Act 1996 at the Bridewell Garda station.
“Investigations are ongoing.”