Meet the local mother on a mission to make home cooking the new convenience food
Padraig Conlon 23 Dec 2021
A TALLAGHT mother is on a mission to take the stresses and strains out of everyday cooking.

Jolene Cox, aka One Yummy Mummy, is an award-winning blogger, a national foodie treasure and best-selling author of ‘Family Food Made Easy’.
“I am hugely passionate about getting kids into the kitchen to develop basic cooking skills and learn about healthy eating,” Jolene tells Southside People.
“For 20 years I’ve been creating, and perfecting family recipes designed to help busy families in the kitchen.

Lily May and Jolene having fun in the kitchen
“I’ve recently launched my brand-new online ‘Family Cooking Club’ which is the first of its kind created to get the whole family into the kitchen.
“It features meal plans, shopping budgets, recipes that convert into shopping lists and live cook along tutorials with my daughter, Lily-Mae (8) and myself.”

Lily May preparing another tasty meal
Jolene explains how so many cookery programmes on television actually put people off getting into cooking.
“I believe that the heart of the home lies firmly in the kitchen,” Jolene says.
“I’m passionate about encouraging kids to get hands on with cooking that will excite and inspire their taste buds and teach them skills for life, whilst enjoying spending time in the kitchen.
“When you look at cookery programmes on the television, the recipes can be over-complicated with too many ingredients, which puts people off.
“I want to make cooking fun, our goal is to get the whole family cooking together, making delicious healthy meals in minutes.
“The most stressful times for parents can be when they come home in the evening and have to cook a meal for the family.
“I want to take that stress away from busy parents.
“As a member of the Family Cooking Club, they’ll enjoy all these benefits, as well as a wealth of knowledge and tips from our kitchen to yours.
“We’d love for families to come and join myself and Lils in the kitchen for some foodie fun in our weekly cook along zoom classes.
“You’ll have fun together and dinner will be made for you to enjoy.”
So, for any readers interested in joining ‘Family Cooking Club’ what can they expect?
“For a monthly fee of €10, subscribers will have access to easy-to-follow video-led recipes, weekly meal planners based on easy-to-get ingredients and tutorials on basic food and cookery skills,” Jolene says.
“They’ll have access to recipes that convert into shopping lists with just one click and two recipe video tutorials per week over a six-week period.
“There’s also weekly, live cook along zoom classes.
“Each class is included in the €10 monthly fee, that’s €2 per class and they get access to all the exclusive features in the Family Cooking Cub members area
“As well as all this we also have plenty of Christmas themed recipes and videos for families to enjoy making and eating together.
“For any of your readers who want to subscribe to the Family Cooking Hub they can visit
“What makes us stand out is that we appeal to the whole family,” Jolene says.