Survey finds 55% of UCD students paying €750+ on rent
Gary Ibbotson 20 Dec 2021
A survey conducted by the UCD Student’s Union found that 55% of all respondents were paying more than €750 per month for accommodation.

Almost 1,000 students took part in the survey which asked them to give their opinion on the current housing crisis.
The student’s union says the survey “is a useful snapshot in time of how the housing crisis is affecting the lives of third-level students and young people.
The survey also found that 53% of respondents have difficulties meeting their monthly housing costs, with 18% describing it as “extremely difficult.”
Overall, 43% of students say they are unhappy with their current living arrangements.
“Some of the findings also paint a stark picture of the impact that the housing crisis is having on the broader higher education landscape,” the UCDSU said.
Around 43% of respondents said that the struggle of finding accommodation, or issues with their current accommodation, have had a negative impact on their education.
Additionally, 49% say that the housing crisis is having a negative impact on their student experience, while 57% say that it has had a negative impact on their mental health.
Ruairí Power, president of the UCD Student Union said the accommodation problem is multi-faceted.
“The results of this survey are the latest indication that the housing and affordability crises are far reaching and having a hugely detrimental impact on UCD students,” he said.
“Students are faced with extortionate rents and insecure tenancy conditions, while a large numbers make do in sub-standard settings.
“The scale of the crisis demands immediate action from Government. An immediate ban on rent increases in RPZs is overdue.”
Power also said that the survey “highlights the impact finding accommodation and difficulty in affording rent is having on academic progression and mental health of students.
“Private landlords aren’t the only ones getting in on the act, UCD is charging excessive rents for on campus accommodation,” he says.
“Increasing supply is essential, but we also need to see an end to the practise of building only luxury accommodation on college campuses.
“Some respondents highlighted serious issues with the lack of legal protections for students in digs-style accommodation, highlighting the need for a deposit protection scheme and the replacement of the licensee system.”