Gardaí arrest three men in relation to shooting in Coolock in May 2019
Gary Ibbotson 15 Nov 2021
Gardaí investigating the fatal shooting of a man in his 40s on Kilbarron Avenue, Coolock on the 28th May 2019, have arrested three men in north Co. Dublin this morning.

The three men, aged in their 20s, are currently detained under Section 50 of the Criminal Justice Act, 2007 at a number of Dublin Garda Stations.
On the date in the question, the victim was pronounced dead at scene after being shot in the front garden of a house on Kilbarron Avenue at approximately 3:30pm.
In a statement released by the Gardai at the time, a spokesperson said: “It is understood that 3 men wearing balaclavas were involved in this incident and left the scene in a silver Toyota Avensis (04-D-71806).
“This vehicle was found abandoned and on fire in the Castletymon Gardens area of Coolock at approximately 3:45pm.
“Gardaí are particularly interested in speaking to anyone who was in the vicinity of the Kilbarron Avenue or Castletymon Gardens areas of Coolock between 3:15pm and 4pm on 28/05/19, especially road users who may have dash cam footage.”