Dublin City Council must ‘act on rats and deliver pest control for tenants’ says councillor
Padraig Conlon 07 Sep 2021
Sinn Féin Councillor Daniel Céitinn says he has called on Dublin City Council to in-source its own pest control teams to tackle rat problems in Council properties.

The South East Inner City councillor also said he welcomed the housing manager’s commitment to reporting back to Council with further proposals.
“The City Council needs to in-source pest control and invest in its own teams to tackle rat infestations in Council properties,” Cllr Céitinn said following last night’s monthly council meeting.
“I welcome the Deputy Chief Executive’s commitment to report to the City Council on these proposals.
“The chronic rat infestations in Council flat complexes is a denial of tenants’ fundamental rights to dignity. It is not free housing and a private landlord would be held to higher standards.
“This is neglect – poor waste management, very old buildings, and more – but also a lack of capacity in the Council to handle pest infestations itself. New complexes as well as old have been affected by these problems.
“Tonight’s protest by residents at the Mansion House and our highlighting of the problem at the City Council has brought this campaign to a new level and we will keep up the pressure.”