120 new jobs announced for Cherrywood by pharmaceutical company
Gary Ibbotson 10 Jun 2021
Fine Gael Senator Barry Ward has welcomed the announcement of 120 new jobs by APC Ltd, through the formation of a Global Centre of Excellence for Vaccine and Advanced Therapeutic Research and Manufacturing and the expansion of the company’s headquarters in Cherrywood.
Speaking following the announcement, Senator Barry Ward said: “I’m thrilled that 120 new, highly-skilled jobs are to be created by APC in Cherrywood.
“The fact that this expanded facility will become the world’s first ‘medicine accelerator’ is indicative of Ireland’s position at the forefront of the global pharmaceutical industry, particularly the development and manufacture of vaccines.”
APC is a fully Irish-owned company, with an aim of accelerating how drug and vaccine manufacturing processes are researched and developed.
Enterprise Ireland has also welcomed APC’s new research facility for the accelerated development of new medicines through the Government’s COVID-19 Products Scheme.
Enterprise Ireland is also providing strategic funding for APC’s sister company, VLE Therapeutics Ltd, which is also based in Dublin, to manufacture advanced therapeutics and vaccines, including COVID-19 vaccines.
An Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Leo Varadkar TD, commented on the announcement: “Ireland is already internationally recognised as a global hub for biopharmaceutical companies but this announcement will put us on the map as a significant producer of vaccines, including the lifesaving Covid-19 vaccine.
“Today’s announcement is a testament to the success of the Government’s Covid-19 Products Scheme, which is having a transformative impact on how Irish companies are delivering solutions to the pandemic.”
Senator Ward said: “It’s wonderful to learn that, before long, Ireland will be in a position to develop and manufacture hundreds of millions of vaccines annually.
“The expansion of APC looks set to be a transformative move, and it seems fitting that the company is headquartered in an area – Cherrywood – that is also constantly transforming and expanding.
“20,000 new homes are planned in that community, and I hope more industries will follow APC in locating or expanding their premises there.”