Permission granted for contentious Player Wills scheme

Padraig Conlon 19 Apr 2021

An Bord Pleanála has given the go ahead to fast track plans for 732 residential units on the site of the former Player Wills factory.

US property developer Hines want to construct 492 apartments and 240 co-living beds in blocks of up to 19 storeys on the site – a project many locals are saying is wholly inappropriate for the area.

The proposal for the site involves the demolition of all buildings on site excluding the original fabric of the original Player Wills factory.

The planning application has faced strong local opposition with more than 180 submissions lodged with APB.

One of the avenues residents and politicians are pursuing in an effort to get the development rejected, is to list the factory as a protected structure.

Hines says that it “has engaged extensively with the local community and community organisation and listened carefully to the contributions made, and following careful consideration took the decision to alter its plans in response to issues raised.

“A series of open days had been held on site at the old factory building site in 2019 and 2020. Over 1000 people attended across both separate events.”

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