MusicTown is inviting proposals for its 2021 festival

Gary Ibbotson 22 Feb 2021

Dublin City Council Arts Office and MusicTown are seeking proposals from curators, cultural organisations, venues and producers who are interested in presenting events during the MusicTown festival 2021.

In a statement, the Arts Office said that proposals that are awarded funding and inclusion in the 2021 programme, MusicTown will provide the following:

– Assist you in curating an event specific to the theme and ideals of this year’s festival
– Promote your event as part of the festival (included in our full PR and marketing campaign).
– Provide practical assistance (this will be agreed on an event-by-event basis).
– Provide financial assistance (as partners are expected to bring their own resources to proposed events, this will be agreed on an event-by-event basis and only where required/feasible, not all events proposed to the festival may require or receive financial assistance).

Your event needs to:

· Be ready for live or pre-recorded broadcast between 15th -25th April 2021.
· Present online musical performances that incorporate and encourage collaboration amongst musicians, producers and people involved in multi-disciplinary artistic practice.
· Be tailored exclusively for an online audience.
· Adhere strictly to government COVID-19 health and safety guidelines and restrictions for personnel involved in production and performance.

MusicTown creative director, Leagues O’Toole said: “The music and arts communities in Ireland have shown immense durability, determination and adaptability throughout the first year of this pandemic.

“We will continue to do so. Music and art will never be shut down.

“It will always exist alongside humankind.

“Right now, we just need to create portals, to connect people, to keeping finding ways to combat the disruptive maelstrom of this virus to collaborate, perform and listen, to keep our lines of communication open, and to keep the on-going vital conversation that exists between musicians and listeners of music alive.

“In September, an incredible pool of artists, producers, and creatives, achieved this on the fly with MusicTown 20.

“We want to do this again in April.

“We will keep doing this until the day comes when we physically experience this art together in a room again.

“For now, let us keep producing vital work, performances, memories, and documents. Art.”

MusicTown says that it is particularly interested in proposals which:

· Present high-quality Irish and/or international artists.
· Bring together artists in a collaborative manner.
· Consider diversity and gender equality in both production and performance.
· Present quality pre-recorded films, music videos, documentaries, and live performances.
· Events which can be packaged to distribute on the MusicTown YouTube channel.
· Present livestreamed discussion-based events about music and the arts.
· Appeal to a children’s and/or “all-ages” audience.
· Apply interesting ways of connecting with audiences on online platforms.
· Apply an imaginative use of space in Dublin city.
· Engage audiences and participants of all age-groups.
· Can secure other sources of funding including in-kind funding.


Proposals will be assessed by the MusicTown creative team based on the following information:
· Clear explanation of the event’s artistic concept.
· Details of proposed venue/location of performance.
· How the event contributes to the priorities/objectives and themes of collaboration and adaptability of the festival.
· Short descriptions of two music events previously organised, including venue details and attendance figures.
· A clear and explainable financial budget for your event including all production costs, streaming/broadcast costs, artist fee, and box office revenue, VAT and PRS were applicable.
· Details of how many people you expect to view your event online.
· Weblinks to audio / video examples of group/ individuals work (we cannot accept media files by email).
· Full details of your company or organisation’s tax registration in Ireland.

Send your proposal to: [email protected]
For more on MusicTown please visit:
Or find us on social media: Instagram: @musictowndublin Twitter: musictowndublin
For queries on MusicTown contact [email protected]

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