Sinn Fein table motion to tackle knife crime in city centre
Gary Ibbotson 01 Feb 2021
Sinn Féin has tabled an emergency motion for tonight’s Dublin City Council meeting aimed at tackling knife crime in Dublin’s north-inner city.

Sinn Féin’s Dublin City Councillor Janice Boylan said: “I am deeply shocked and upset at the recent rise in knife crime across the city.
“Knife crime in the north inner city needs to be dealt with as an emergency.
“My heart felt sympathy goes to the family of the young man who lost his life and I hope those who sustained injuries make a full and speedy recovery.
“As a parent of teenagers and a City Councillor the current level of violence concerns me and I know the community feels the same way too.
“I have tabled an emergency motion which aims to put in place a process that will tackle the causes and consequences of knife crime.
“I am appealing to councillors from all parties to support the motion.
“It is vital that we speak in one voice on this important and pressing issue. It is, literally, a life and death situation.”
Tonight’s Dublin City Council meeting will begin at 6:15pm and will be held online.