DRHE seeks to talk to landlords who can provide accommodation in Dublin
Gary Ibbotson 28 Jan 2021
The Dublin Region Homeless Executive (DRHE) has announced that it is seeking property in the Dublin area to be used as family hubs or hostels for single people.

The homelessness authority says it wants to talk to landlords and property owners who may have a property available.
In a statement, the DRHE said it “is responsible for the planning, co-ordination and administration of funding in relation to the provision of quality services to people who are homeless in the Dublin area, and for the development of responses to prevent homelessness.
“We work in partnership with a range of voluntary and statutory agencies.
“From the beginning of 2020, national data has been showing a significant and welcome reduction in the number of people (in particular families) that are residing in emergency accommodation throughout the country.
“While the reduction in numbers is of course very welcome, we fully accept that there are still far too many families in emergency accommodation, including hotels, and we are very conscious of the challenge that still exists on family homelessness in the Dublin area.
“We acknowledge that a key part in addressing homelessness is the delivery of new social housing and along with the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage we are committed to social homes being delivered through build, acquisition and leasing programmes.”
Any interested parties can contact the DRHE at [email protected].