Southside TD says Olympic and Paralympic heroes must be supported
Dale Greenwood 04 Oct 2020
FINE Gael TD Neale Richmond has called on the Minister for Sport and Sport Ireland to prioritise supports for Irish athletes whose participation in the 2020 Olympics and Paralympics has been put on hold by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Deputy Richmond said: “As a big sports fan I was really disappointed to see the Olympic and Paralympic Games, understandably, postponed this year. However, I can’t even begin to imagine the disappointment of the athletes to qualification.
“In an answer to a Parliamentary Question, I have received assurance from the Minister for Sport that athletes on the 2020 International Carding Scheme will continue to be funded through 2021. This means that Ireland’s most talented athletes will continue to receive financial support.
“While this is very welcome, supports for facilities and travel must also be maintained throughout this year.
“All athletes who have already qualified for the 2020 Olympics and Paralympics will keep their place for whenever the Games take place, therefore it is vital that their training is supported as best as possible to ensure they have as much a chance of success as possible. That goes for individual athletes like swimmer Ellen Keane as well as teams like the women’s hockey team.
“It is key that in advance of the rescheduled Games in Tokyo, that we facilitate our athletes in preparing as best possible. While it is great that elite sport is back underway, domestic completion and constant training is not enough. International competition, training camps and travel are all vital parts of their preparation.
“Many of Team Ireland’s stars are part-time athletes who maintain careers outside of their sport, without support from Sport Ireland the vast majority of our Olympic and Paralympic heroes would be unable to compete.
“Over the past few difficult months many of our athletes have been wonderful role models urging everyone, especially young people, to adhere to the public health guidelines. Indeed, they have shown us the importance of exercise for both our physical and mental health.
“We are all in awe of boxer Kellie Harrington, who has been working on the frontlines in St. Vincent’s Psychiatric Hospital through the pandemic as well as being an important voice for many.
“Our athletes have provided Ireland with so many memorable moments of sporting success and we owe them our support during this trying year.
“Their success in qualifying for the games represents a huge boost to the morale of the nation as well as encouraging all of us to be more active. Our Olympic and Paralympic heroes must be supported,” Deputy Richmond concluded.